Our Small Groups offer the opportunity to grow your faith, build relationships, and be encouraged. Please join us!
All are welcome to join!
All are welcome to join!
Our Small Groups offer the opportunity to grow your faith, build relationships, and be encouraged. Please join us!
Small Groups
We have several small groups beginning in January. Check back for more information soon!
Please contact Pastor Nate for more information as registration is required for these groups.
AFSG - Adult Fellowship Small Group
Men's Group
The Beatitudes
The Life of Joseph
Sermon Discussion (via Zoom)
Anxious for Nothing
Delighting in Jesus
Lunch & Bros
Adult Couples
Young Couples
The Invisible War
Fretboard Fellowship
Young Adults
Adult Small Group
Embrace Grace
Discipleship Groups
Our Discipleship Groups are open to everyone.
Please click the tabs below for a detailed description or contact the church office for more information.
Sundays, 9:00am - Calvary Fellowship Hall
Join us for a journey through “The Gospel Project” at 9:00 a.m. Sunday mornings. The Gospel Project curriculum is a chronological, Christ centered, theologically rich, and missionally minded study of the Bible.
We are excited that with the addition of this group, all ages will be studying the same section of Scripture during the 9:00am service with age-appropriate variations. Kids and students will meet in their regular classrooms; adults will meet in the Fellowship Hall. No registration is required.
Led by Joey & Patti Graber
Man Church Study: Real Men
Mondays, 6:00 p.m., Student Theater
The goal is simple – to model our lives and our manhood after Jesus! “Real Men” is designed to empower men to learn from the examples, both good and bad, of the real men of the Bible. The study will cover eight heroes of our faith: Abraham, Joseph, Joshua, David, Elijah, John the Baptist, Peter, and Paul.
Men, high school through senior adults, meet on Monday evenings to build relationships with each other and pursue God together. The evening begins with a meal, followed by a short video by Rick Burgess, best-selling author and co-host of the nationally-syndicated radio show, The Rick & Bubba Show, and then discussion.
Led by Brad McDonald & Roger Stull
"30 Life Principles" by Dr. Charles Stanley - Beginning Jan. 8
Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m., Calvary Chapel
God has given you hundreds of principles in His Word to help you become everything that He designed you to be. He has provided these truths to guide you, comfort you, encourage you, and teach you how to be triumphant in Christ. These principles have never failed and will never disappoint, and God has promised that He will bless your obedience as you follow His commands.
During his many years of ministry, Dr. Charles Stanley has faithfully highlighted the 30 Life Principles that have guided him and helped him to grow in his knowledge, service, and love of God. In this 30 week study, you will explore each of these principles in depth and learn how to make them a part of your everyday life. As you do, you will find yourself growing in your relationship with Christ and on the road to the future God has planned for you.
Led by Stacey Nickels
"The Book of Signs" by Dr. David Jeremiah - Beginning Jan. 8
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 p.m., Calvary Worship Center
The end times. The apocalypse. The day of judgment. Terms such as these are both fascinating and frightening for any student of God's Word. They lead us to questions people have wrestled with for centuries about biblical prophecy and the signs and signals that will precede the end of everything as we know it.. David Jeremiah offers answers to these questions and much more. examines the prophetic writings from the Old and New Testaments to help you cut through the confusion and give you insights about God's plan for humankind as the end times draw near.
Led by Don Campbell