Join us for our in-person Worship Service at 9:00 am and 10:30 am Sundays.

Nursery and Kids' Ministries are available at both services.

Our 10:30 am service will be live streamed on our website, Facebook, and YouTube. 

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Calvary offers online giving for your convenience.

Click below to be taken to our secure donation page.



Values represent the flavor of a community. Values are not a comprehensive list of everything a given people believe; they highlight what those people emphasize in their community. Values drive culture, behavior, and characteristics.

BIG FAITH – We believe in a big God for big things.

GOSPEL – Everybody needs the gospel more than they need anything else.

GRACE AND TRUTH – Without grace and truth, love is not love and we are not like Jesus.

GENEROUS – Our generosity has God’s backing.

SAVED PEOPLE SERVE PEOPLE – We believe in seeing the person not just the circumstances.

COLLABORATION – Working together accomplishes more.